War Is Hell -acious

John 8:7 – “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (ESV)

To quote Richard Nixon, “Let me be perfectly clear!” I believe Russia is wrong in its invasion of Ukraine. They were wrong – very wrong. Having said that, when it comes to national sentiment and reportage by the media, it all depends on whose ox is being gored.

What do I mean by that? Somewhere around 1 million Iraqis and Afghans have died due to America’s war making there in the past 30 years. That’s a whole lot of dead men, women, and children, and not counting the widows, orphans, and little boys and girls sold into sexual slavery because of the deep poverty into which they were thrust.

But here’s the thing: I cheered when American forces destroyed hundreds of Iraqi tanks and other combat vehicles on the Highway of Death in the 1st gulf war – along with the thousands of Iraqi conscripts who perished in their vehicles. And I cheered just as loudly when the air campaign began during the 2nd and we leveled sections of Baghdad. and when we leveled Mosul in order to save it later on in the war.

In Afghanistan we overthrew the legitimate government of the nation and installed a puppet regime more to our liking and less to the liking of the Afghan people – and over the years killed over 200,000 Afghans in the process.

All this to say I’m more than just a little uneasy watching this current war play out on our screens. It’s not that I want the Russians to succeed – I don’t. I want them to return to their borders and cease this wanton destruction of Ukrainian cities and infrastructure, and the senseless devastation of the civilian populace. (And I don’t like seeing soldiers die either!) No, it’s that war is a horror. It’s never clean. Killing is never surgical. Cities are chokepoints and you destroy them and everyone in them. And our hands are not clean and we shouldn’t pretend that they are.

Putin’s “reason” for this war is almost the same as ours in Iraq and Afghanistan (and Vietnam too for that matter, but most of you are too young to remember that one.) – the “enemy” was threatening our national interests and intervention was necessary to prevent further damage.

War should always be the option of last resort. It is not always an atrocity, but it is always a horror. Looking at our history over the past 150 years, there are only 2 wars that stand out as necessary from our perspective: World War 2 and Korea. The others, from the Spanish-American to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we got into either through hubris or political expediency – or just bumbled into them. And wars, even those waged from the purest of motives leave death and destruction in their wake requiring a generation or more to recover. America has a generation of soldiers who will carry the physical and mental wounds of war to their graves – and this is not counting the millions in those nations in which we warred who will do the same.

So, Mr. Putin – stop! Withdraw and pay Ukraine for the death and destruction you have caused. And America and her allies – stop pretending your hands are clean and your motives pure; they are not.

When Corporations Promote Perversion

I’ve been asked if I have a biblical foundation for saying that Christians must have nothing to do with Disney and its products while there are many other corporations that have embraced the satanic/anti-God promotion of gender confusion and sexual perversion that I am not saying we should avoid. Yes, I do. 

This passage from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians provides the principle: (1 Corinthians 5:9–10)  I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. (ESV) 

You say, this passage is talking about sexual immorality within Christ’s family as opposed to that as practiced by outsiders. True. The principle I’m drawing out is exactly that. The world outside the Church is a cesspool which we cannot avoid. It is everywhere! All who have not been born anew into God’s kingdom are members of The Great Rebellion that began as a war by Satan and his associates against the rule of God over his universe. This war that began in heaven drew humanity in as we read in the opening chapters of Genesis and made us rebels as well. But we are not to tolerate the world insinuating itself into our homes and into the minds of our children. 

God created humanity as male and female for us to participate with him in the further creation of the race. The very essence of our humanity is this duality. It is the joining of male and female into a lifelong bond for the creation and development of the next generation (Note that the very word, “generation,” means to cause or make.) that makes us most human and most like the God who made us. This essential value, this most important thing that brings us into partnership with the Creator, then is the point on which The Rebellion focuses its attack. Convince people that their participation in creation is not what most clearly makes them creatures of God and you can enlist them in the rebel cause. 

Corporate America from Adidas to Zillow are participants in The Rebellion – absolutely and without a doubt. They have made it clear that corporate policy is to embrace perversion. The world and all that is within it is at enmity with God and with God’s people. These corporations and those within them who have declared themselves God’s enemies by endorsing what God has condemned and condemning what God has approved will be destroyed in the fire that is to purify this world of sin and sinners. But unlike Disney, they remain outside our families; their products are neutral, neither promoting evil nor restraining right doing. But if they start marketing perversion into our homes and into the minds of our children, then all who are friends of God must cease doing business with them or find themselves joining the enemy and participating in its rebellion and experiencing its punishment. 


The Russo-Ukrainian War

Reflections on the Ukrainian War 

I may be a little cynical, but the longer this war in Ukraine is reported upon, the more curious I become on why it is being reported as it is. Those of us of a certain age grew up watching World War 2 play out on our television screens. We watched the replays of the various news outlets and the propaganda films of the War and Navy Departments, and I find myself marveling at the contrast between then and now. 

World War 2 was covered as a clash of armies and of battles on the seas and in the air. December 7th, the American entry into the war, wasn’t reported as an attack on Honolulu or even on Oahu. We saw the Japanese attack on the naval anchorage in Pearl Harbor, the air bases at Hickam and Wheeler, and Army installations at Schofield Barracks and Fort Shafter. There were civilian casualties, but they were collateral damage to the Japanese attack. 

From the German and Soviet invasion of Poland in September 1939 to the surrender of Japan on the deck of the USS Missouri in September 1945, this war was reported as the march of armies and great battles fought from the Russian steppes to the African deserts, battles between great fleets from Midway to the Coral Sea, and air raids over embattled Europe. Seldom were civilians mentioned other that as collateral damage as an incident of the war. 

Seldom, that is, unless those were good guy civilians. The Battle of Britian was shown from the perspective of both the great heroism by the outmanned and out-gunned Royal Air Force, and as the remarkable endurance of the British people as they bore down and endured during the destruction of their cities and homes by the German bombers. The newsreels highlighted the suffering of “our” people in the war even as the destruction of Italian and German and Japanese cities were celebrated. 

Now don’t get me wrong. Just as you can’t make an omelet without cracking eggs, you can’t fight a war without killing civilians along with those in uniform. My sympathies lie with the attacked not the attackers. (Unless, of course, those attackers are “my” attackers. Then the sympathies can get a little confused.) 

All this to bring us to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it is being reported. Ukraine has 200,000 active-duty soldiers and another 600,000 or so reservists and veterans of previous conflicts with the Russians. The Russians have been gnawing away at Ukraine since at least 2014 and the Ukrainian military is well-versed in Russian military tactics and how to counter them. Ukraine is not a helpless child whimpering in the corner. These are tough people used to tough times and they have a long memory of Stalin’s starving to death of some 2 million of them during the 1930s (a fact the New York Times denied at the time and has not corrected since) to bring those Ukrainian peasants into submission to his socialist ideals. But this is not how this war is being reported. Correct me if I’m not seeing everything, but I’ve not seen one Ukrainian general or colonel speaking to their victories in the reports by the major media outlets. I’ve not seen a single graphic showing how the Ukrainian army is deploying to counter the Russians nor how the use of American and European weaponry is being used by them to great result. 

Now we know the Ukrainians are enjoying success on the battlefield. Russian units are being decimated. But if we only knew what the media is showing us, these successes are by Molotov cocktail-throwing grandmothers defending their homes and shops, and not by well-armed and well-trained professional soldiers defending their homeland. This war is being reported as a war on civilians resisted by civilians, and the question is, “Why?” 

Fleeing women and crying children make good video. It is easy enough to pluck the heartstrings by showing a bloodied woman clutching her wounded child, or to show them in refugee encampments in Poland and elsewhere standing in soup lines and weeping over not knowing what tomorrow will hold. It makes good video, but poor understanding about how the war is being waged from the Ukrainian side. Watching 30 minutes of reporting by PBS or CBS or NBC (Russell Holt is on the ground in Poland with Mr. Biden and I cannot understand why he is the only person in the shot wearing a mask – but that’s a rant for another day!) or the BBC or DW or any of the other “news” organizations will give us tears but no understanding. How is the war progressing from an operational or strategic perspective? We have no way of knowing from their reporting. We know some Ukrainian cities are being reduced to rubble, but no one is pointing out that can be a really bad idea from the attackers’ perspective. Rubble makes great defensive positions. 

So we have a fairly good picture of the civilian dislocation caused by the Russian invasion but no picture at all of how Ukrainian defenses are holding. And this, now I get to my point, is the strategy behind the reporting/propaganda effort. We hate Russia. We’ve hated Russia since the 1918 Communist Revolution. We even hated them when they were our allies during WW2 – that alliance was a marriage of convenience not of shared values. We hated them during the communist uprising in Greece, the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War (Russian pilots were flying missions for the Norks), the Vietnam War, and the entire Cold War. And our ancestors hated Russia long before our hating began. Russia has been a contender for European dominance since at least Peter the Great (in other words, since before the United States were even a twinkle in the eye of our founders’ fathers) and our European ancestors weren’t about to surrender their grip on power. So, we hated Russia yesterday; we hate Russia today; and we’ll hate Russia tomorrow. And by “we” I mean those who hold the reins of power and influence. 

Wars take time and consume resources that might be better used in other endeavors. And people, especially the American people who are entertaining themselves to death with Tik-Tok videos, have a very short attention span. (Most will find this essay too long to hold their attention.) How do you get them to stay engaged – to stay engaged and be willing to lower their standard of living to pursue the war? By highlighting helpless women and children. I’ve railed against our feminized culture and political landscape elsewhere and I need not pursue it further other than to say that the way to keep American women focused on what you want them to see, is to show them how a terrible man (Vladimir Putin) is making women and children suffer. (He probably tortures cats too!) 

Pershing said Infantry wins battles, but logistics wins wars. Wars are fought on three levels: the tactical, the operational, and the strategic. The tactical is led by captains and non-commissioned officers. The operational is led by commanders of battalions, brigades, and divisions. The strategic (from the American military perspective) is led by the highest ranks of the flag officers and their civilian overseers at the Department of Defense, the State Department, and the White House. Captains fight skirmishes: colonels fight battles; generals fight campaigns; politicians fight wars. And the news front is part of the war effort. 

The newsreels of WW2 were propaganda videos. They presented the war effort in a way to keep the populace motivated to continue the war in the face of shortages by showing them great campaign victories and highlighting the evil intent of the enemy (which wasn’t hard given the evil that had seized Germany with the rise of the National Socialists). Much of the rationing that was imposed on the populace and the rubber and metal collection campaigns were designed to let the people feel they were participating in the war effort even when little of it was needed in much the same way as the government’s Covid restrictions were designed to control the people and not the virus (which is far more difficult if not impossible to control). 

So, today’s video from the front is not intended to inform, but to control and motivate. I’m not saying that it is out of evil intent by government and media, but it is manipulation not information, and Caveat Emptor.  

On the Russo-Ukrainian War

I will not lie; my sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people. Russia does have some legitimate complaints about how the United States and its European client states through NATO have encroached into what Russia considered its area of interest after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but that in no wise justifies the Russian assault on the Ukrainian people. However, the American/European response lies open to question as well. Here are a few observations from an old man. 

  1. Ukraine, as a nation, has only existed for 40 years while Ukrainians, as a people, have been one of the many tribes/ethnicities that make up Europe for at least 1000 years and probably much longer. Europe is a mishmash of tribes and languages not unlike the rest of the world even though it pretends to be above such things. Well, Ukrainians are one of those tribes even though they have been included within other nations and empires since the collapse of the Kievan Russ a thousand years ago. Nation status and ethnic identity are two different things, and a little observation of human history tells us that identity is stronger than statehood. So, although Mr. Putin wants to absorb the Ukrainian people into the Russian people, as long as Ukrainians identify themselves as a distinct people, that will be a failed enterprise regardless Russia’s military success. 
  1. We all love “David and Goliath” stories regardless the fact that the first one was not a recitation of the little guy defeating the big guy but rather the continuing story of God’s care for his elect. History tells us that the big guy almost always wins and that the more resistance the little guy puts up, the greater his injury in his defeat. Given that, the US/European encouragement for the Ukrainians to put up a good fight against the Russians before they go down in defeat will only cause greater death, injury, and destruction for the Ukrainians. Yes, they may bloody the Russians, but unless we are seriously overestimating Russian military capabilities, the Russians will win in the end. That is, they’ll win unless they lose the will to fight to the end as did the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan (two other ill-conceived invasions of sovereign states). 
  1. So, is the West acting in the interests of the Ukrainian people when they send arms and ammunition to the Ukrainian government that they might continue their resistance to the invasion? Who benefits from the US paying Poland to send Ukraine MiG fighters? It will prolong the fight, no doubt. But is a prolonged fight in the interest of the Ukrainian people? You know my answer: the Ukrainian people are best served by their government coming to an agreement with the Russian government and restoring the peace. Yes, the Ukrainian government may need to retreat from their push to join the European Union and the NATO military alliance in this generation. Yes, they may need to keep themselves within the Russian sphere of influence. But spheres of influence and military alliances aren’t forever, and what’s a generation or two in the history of a people whose story spans millennia? 
  1. Who then is benefiting from the US and her client states encouraging the Ukrainian government in its resistance? As I watch the price of gasoline and diesel soaring at the pump here, my first candidates are the major oil-producing nations and regions: The United States (#1), the Persian Gulf states (#3), and Russia (#2). Yes, Russia. Their oil isn’t going to magically disappear if it is not pumped to Germany and the other EU countries tomorrow. The US may embargo Russian oil, but that embargo won’t last long, and Russia will soon be able to pump away and at a much higher price. So, the #1 beneficiary of this conflict are the oil producing states and their energy corporations. Next are the weapons manufacturing countries and industries, and again the United States takes the lead with our client states and Russia again following in our train. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and many other smaller corporations will be making bank off this conflict for decades to come. Those Polish MiGs must be replaced, and they will be replaced with more expensive, more technologically advanced aircraft from the United States. And less I forget, Ukraine is a large market for Western products and a major producer of foodstuffs. The only people I don’t see benefiting from this conflict are the Ukrainians themselves. They are the ones who will pay and continue to pay for generations to come. 

So, pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray intelligently. And be just a little cynical about the purity of national interests on every side. 

The Casus Belli

Mr. Biden’s remark that a “minor incursion” into Ukraine by Russia would not be a Casus Belli can be compared to the Truman Secretary of State’s speech in early 1950 putting South Korea outside America’s zone of interest in the Pacific. Mr. Truman did not cause the Korean War, it was planned by the Norks and the Chinese long before, but Acheson’s speech gave the Russians the go-ahead to support the North’s attack on the South and a war-weary America found herself embroiled in a bloody conflict on the Korean peninsula – an undeclared war that resulted in over 36,000 dead American soldiers, airmen, and marines, thousands more of our allies, and millions of Koreans. Diplomatic missteps are often the precursors to war. 

Did Mr. Biden’s remark while away from his handlers and his teleprompter give Mr. Putin permission to undertake an all-out war against Ukraine? Probably not. Historians will argue the point ad terminus, and the political leaning of the historian will guide his/her analysis. But it did give Putin an illusory assurance that the United States would not take swift action to counter his invasion. It was an illusion. While we must not directly engage in conflict with the Russians in Ukraine, we also cannot stand idly by and allow Mr. Putin to continue the rape of a neighbor country; a rape that began and left unopposed when Mr. Obama was president and Mr. Biden his vice. 

So, regardless of whether or not Mr. Biden gave Mr. Putin permission to take over portions of Ukraine is irrelevant at this point, The United States and likeminded nations must treat Russia as a pariah in the family of nations. Russia must be cut off from markets, finances, transport, and all other means of intercourse with the rest of the world. This invasion must cost far more than any gain that could occur for continuing it. Those who value peace must supply the Ukrainians with every means available to resist the invasion, and I applaud Mr. Biden, the Germans, the Swedes, and others for stepping up now and providing weapons and equipment for the task. 

As Christians, we should pray for Ukraine. Pray that they might be strengthened in their resolve to resist. Pray that their enemy, and Putin is their enemy, might stumble and fall. Pray for Putin’s removal as the dictator of Russia by whatever means God ordains and that Russia might take her place in peaceful concourse with her neighbors. And pray for those distressed, dislocated, and fleeing as refugees from an unwarranted conflict. May God grant Ukraine victory as he once granted victory to little Judah over mighty Assyria. 

Let us follow our prayers with our dollars. The wounded must be mended. The homeless must be housed. The hungry must be fed. And the partisans must be armed. Pray for Ukraine with both petition to God and dollars to the people. 

Is the Supreme Court to Be a Partisan Institution?

Now that I’ve had my bit of fun mocking Mr. Biden and his Black Woman Supreme Court Seat, I find it time to say why this action on his part is so offensive to me and quite possibly to many others. 

I have absolutely no objection to any American of any ethnicity or of either sex sitting on the Supreme (or any other) Court. Any person whose first identity is American Citizen and who understands and loves the Decalogue, the Constitution, and The Declaration of Independence (our founding documents) is qualified to sit in judgment over our legal process. As a Conservative, I would hope that any judge understands the limits of the law’s authority and doesn’t feel it within the court’s venue to keep discovering rights that are hidden from the nation at large. That’s probably too much to ask – but ask I will. 

So, no, no one should object to a black woman being appointed to serve as a Justice of The Supreme Court because of her ethnicity or gender. To do so would be racist and misogynistic. But Mr. Biden sold this seat to a powerful, racialist, political organization in order to obtain their support when he was running for President, and to this I object. 

Mr. Biden needed to win the South Carolina Democratic Primary in February 2020 to have a shot at winning the nomination of his party for the presidential election. He was just one of many Dems contending for the nomination, and in all truth, he wasn’t the best and brightest. But he is a canny politician who knows the movers and shakers of his party. The African Diaspora makes up only about 12% of the American populace, but about 60% of Democratic Party voters in South Carolina are black. The candidate who has the greatest support among that 60% of the party would win that primary election. Mr. Biden took 61% of the black Dem vote and won the South Carolina primary in a landslide. (If you’re interested in the math, there are about 3.6 million registered voters in S.C. and Mr. Biden received 260,000 votes in that primary of which about 160,000 were from black voters.) 

To win the support of Representative Jim Clyburn, THE black Democrat kingpin in South Carolina politics, Mr. Biden promised that should Mr. Clyburn throw the support of the black machine to his candidacy, he would in return nominate a Black Woman to fill the next vacancy. Et voila!  Someone has said that politics is like sausage making. If you want to enjoy the product don’t watch the process. Mr. Biden placed a Supreme Court seat on the table in order to win the Democrat nomination for the Presidency and he won his bet. 

Machine politics have always been a feature of American elections and governance. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that a political machine in that tiny state of South Carolina would determine the outcome of a primary election, and that election result would feed the larger machine in its voter turnout. The Democratic Party is, I am tempted to say, the not-white party. The descendants of the European Diaspora who colonized and established this nation still overwhelmingly vote Republican. The Democrats, in order to win elections and reap the rewards of political ascendancy, are a hodge-podge of ethnic minorities in coalition against the European majority. While it is true that their leadership is largely European, those leaders come from minority European ethnic groups and have experienced less than full embrace here by those who migrated first. (Irish, Italians, Jews, etc.) 

So back to the Black Woman. If her primary identity is Black, she is not qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. If her primary identity is Woman, she is not qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. If her primary identity is Citizen of the World, she is not qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. If her primary identity is American Citizen, welcome. 

In his process of claiming the Presidency by gaining the support of Mr. Clyburn and the Black political machine in South Carolina, Mr. Biden has politicized the Supreme Court as it has not been politicized in my lifetime and poisoned the wellspring of trust that is essential to the governance of our nation. The fantasy that the Court is apolitical is an important damper on political passions in this country, and I think Mr. Biden has popped that bubble – perhaps permanently. When the people no longer believe the fantasy, the door is opened to rebellion, and I am no proponent of that. 


Beware the New Entente Cordiale

The Entente Cordiale may not be at the forefront of your thinking right now. I obviously have too much time on my hands right now, so it keeps popping into my mind as I consider our government bumbling and bungling into another one.

The EC was an agreement between the English and the French that laid the groundwork for the First World War. It wasn’t meant to be such, but the English and French were feeling threatened by the growing economic power of the new German nation (Germany was a region not a nation before 1871), and agreed to certain alliances to check its growing influence.

NATO has become the most recent Entente Cordiale. Its raison d’etre ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but instead of allowing itself to be consigned to the list of no longer useful political-military alliances, it has kept fanning the distrust of Russia that Europeans have harbored since at least the greats, Peter and Catherine. Russia was/is Orthodox and Europe was Roman, and the Orthodox and the Romans have tried to exterminate (or convert) the Orthodox since 1054. (This antagonism between Western and Eastern Europe has a LONG history!)

So, we have the American Empire forming its Entente Cordiale with its weak European client states to check the Russian influence as it challenges the continued expansion of American hegemony.This little snippet of world history is to say that the conflict over Ukraine is rooted in a struggle for power and influence that stretches back over a thousand years, and more recently over nearly four hundred years, and we, the Americans, have joined in this struggle unwisely and unnecessarily.

Entente Cordiales can have catastrophic consequences, and a weak leader like Mr. Biden can stumble us right into another worldwide conflagration. At least that is my studied opinion.

Don’t Be a Rented Woman

Matthew 13:45–46 “ . . . the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (ESV)
Proverbs 31:30–31 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. (ESV)

In an earlier post I wrote that women should not allow themselves to be rentals in the marketplace of life. Some might take objection to that as being a misogynistic attitude. Au contraire, I reply, this is a statement of the high value that scripture and scripture’s God holds for women.

When God created humanity (Adam being the Hebrew word for both humanity and man), he created us in two complementary sexes that we might join with him in the further creation of our race – this creation not just being the joining of egg and sperm in the womb, but in the nurturing and education of our children who are born of that union that they might take their place glorifying God and blessing their fellowman. This act of creation requires that the man and woman be joined in lifelong union as it takes a lifetime to create the next generation.

I am tempted to say that sexual pleasure has been divorced from its creative purpose uniquely in our time and place. I’m tempted, but I’d be wrong to say it. The pleasure of sex and the purpose of sex have been divorced for as long as humanity has divorced itself from the God who created us. This is not something new for our time. Granted, modern technology and social attitudes have made it easier to live in this divorced state, but people have created for themselves ways to avoid the children for which sex was purposed since forever. People have always been killing babies. We may have made it easier to prevent the pregnancy though the use of hormones or to kill the baby in the slaughterhouses of Planned Parenthood, but before the pill and legalized slaughter, newborns were left exposed to the elements or fed to the dogs in many different times and places.

Women bear the greatest burden and gain the greatest joy in being co-creators with God and their man. To put it simply, men, regardless the babblings of today’s “experts”, do not get pregnant. They do not endure the transformation of their bodies into the incubators of their offspring, and they do not carry fragments of that new life in their bodies for life. (Just a side note here, a mother doesn’t just carry that baby from conception to delivery some nine months later, but seriously, some cells from that new and unique human being are transferred into her system and remain there. That child is, quite literally, in her forever!)

Womanhood and its purpose of motherhood demand protection. And that brings me to the above text. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven was like a pearl of incomparable value which, when found, was so highly valued that the man went and sold everything he possessed to purchase it. Now the intent of the text is to let us know that heaven is worth everything we hold dear, but I’m going to give a secondary application. A wife is of incomparable value as well. She is of such great worth that a man will give everything for her. When a man takes a wife, he has exchanged all of his singleness for the lifelong bond of marriage.

I often say, No Wed, No Bed. A woman must value her womb as her most precious treasure to be discovered once and forever by the man she weds, and he must place equal value upon her and her gift of sharing the future with him. But, I am sorry to say, many women do not value themselves as God values them. They do not demand the man who desires their pleasures pay his entire life for entry. Instead, they are encouraged, enticed, and sometimes enslaved to put themselves on the rental market.

Rental women come in various styles and price ranges. There are the pornography rentals, both soft and hardcore. They are the women who put their wares on display as theatrical actresses and entertainers to draw the eyes of men and to enrich themselves from their lusts. I call these the rent-by-the-minute women. There’s no physical contact, just a visual representation of availability to those who will, both far and near, and the money pours in.

Then there are the rent-by-the-hour women. These are the prostitutes, and Tinder dates. No investment other than an open wallet for the men, and little emotional investment by the women along with the risk of disease, violence from their “date”, and a pregnancy to be terminated.

Finally, there are the rent-to-own women. These are those who live with their man without any long-term commitment on his part as he can walk away without so much as a fare-thee-well, and she can entertain the fantasy that she is the mistress of her destiny. She may feel empowered, though few do, but she is squandering the pearl of great price – herself.

I could wax long about young women who are enticed into slavery by wicked men. Not every prostitute or porn actress is there voluntarily. Many are ensnared by a man with some drugs and a plan to use them until the bloom is gone and they are cast aside to turn tricks in bathroom stalls and tents on the street. Society needs to do better for our young women, but I don’t see that happening as long as their enslavement is broadcast as freedom. To be free from the constraints of God’s law is to be enslaved by the evil that lurks within us all.

Be a for-sale woman. Not a for-rent woman, but a woman bound to a man who has given his all for you in the same way that we are the possession of Jesus Christ. Don’t rent yourself out. Demand full price – a man whose life is dedicated to join with you in the creation, education, and development of the next generation. Demand a man with whom you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. You are worth no less.

Of Men and Women

God designed the youthful female form to be a magnet to men – he is, after all, heavily invested in the perpetuation of the race. Advertisers count on and exploit this creation reality. I pointed my browser to a highly regarded news outlet. In the column beside the news feed was a picture of a young woman displaying her ample cleavage. I looked. It was an advertisement from Forbes for a retirement plan.

There are lessons to be drawn here. For men, it is to know yourself. Know how God designed you and know and obey his guidance on how that design is to be used to give him glory, to benefit the race, and for your lasting joy. Place your affections, and keep them there, on a woman with whom you can join your life to co-create the next generation, to train those children to live for God and man, and to enrich society through your collective efforts as you become the elders for our tribe. Don’t flutter from flower to flower!

For women, and I know I’m venturing into dangerous territory here, know the power of your presence – especially in the bloom of your youth. God created you to be the completion of man. You are The Mother of the Race and the partner of your man. You must know how to read a man’s character and his heart. Do not rent yourself out to the charmer. Because you are the womb of the race, you will always pay the higher price for your humanity than do men. Find a man you can trust to preserve, protect, and defend you even to the cost of his own life until death do you part. Again, don’t be a rental.

And now for a piece of advice for both men and women as you grow into your middle and later years: do what is prudent to maintain your health and vigor, but realize there is no fountain of youth other than the waters of The River of Life waiting for those who have been given eternal life (not yet realized) through Jesus Christ. Cosmetics, plastic surgery, Botox, hair coloring, trips to the gym and Viagra may give the illusion of youth but not the reality. We do live in a time of youth worship. If you’re looking for a job, it’s easier to find one at 30 than at 50 even if your 50 is way better than your 30. That’s “fine” in times of prosperity and ease; it fails greatly when our very survival is threatened. Understand that this American obsession to be what we are not is a blip in the course of human history, and in times of crisis your breast implants or the use of a pill to “get it up” count for nothing. In fact, if you’ve spent your years in vanity, you will be found to have spent your years in vain. Your life, in the words of Solomon (my paraphrase) will have been shown to be a waste of oxygen.

What then are we to do? Celebrate our creation. If you are a young man, make yourself a worthy husband. Learn to use hand and mind to house, clothe, feed, and nurture a family. Learn to be a man and not a bearded boy. Learn how to identify a woman who will be a suitable partner to procreate, educate, and mentor the next generation. Don’t waste your time and energy on that which entertains rather than educates. I am speaking of everything from sports to video games and movies to transport to vacations, to Tinder dates and one-night stands. Don’t use women as rent-by-the-hour entertainments. No wed, no bed is the standard for both men and women. The more you use women as a means of self-gratification, the less fitted you will be to be a husband and father and an example of manhood for generations to come.

And if you are a young woman, plan your life to be the mother and partner God has designed you to be. Everything I said to young men about casual sex applies to you – even more so. Birth control, condoms, and abortions may protect you from childbirth, but they won’t protect you from the wounding of your being. Don’t hide behind a mask. I don’t see God as opposed to the discrete use of cosmetics and jewelry, but if it takes you an hour to put your face together before you can go out in public, you are denying the beauty with which God has endowed you and hiding the real you from view. Love the woman God made you.

The January 6th Uprising

It has finally dawned on me why the Capitol Uprising of last January 6th is an obsession of the ruling elites in media and government, especially on the part of the Democrats and their allies in the business conglomerates.

Riots and uprisings and insurrections have been raging throughout our country since at least the Ferguson riots of 2014 but they have caused little concern from the elites. Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, lootings, occupations, and general destruction have been greeted with a shrug and a pander by these ruling and influencing elites, but somehow, somewhy, somereason, the Charlottesville Uprising of 2017 and the Capitol Uprising are the subject of days and days of Congressional hearings and media babble. Why? Here is my observation.

The race-based and anarchist uprisings are no threat to the power of the elites. Yes, they cause millions of dollars of damage to their communities, but in all truth, the African-descended and identified are a very small, about 12% of the population, and economically powerless minority. They usually destroy their own neighborhoods and businesses, and any damage they do cause outside those precincts can be covered by insurance or the public purse. As long as the powerless are the ones destroying lives and property, no real political threat is felt by the elites. In fact, the bones the elites toss to the minorities can only go to strengthen their grip on the reins of power and position. If the elites pour a few dollars into minority areas and a few dollars more in supporting a minimum standard of subsistence for them, along with awarding a few seats at the political table, they expect the eternal gratitude of those minorities to be demonstrated in their votes to keep the elites in power.

It is an entirely different matter all together when a sizeable section of the European-descended population expresses anger and outrage at the elites. Although an extremely wealthy man himself, Donald Trump had always been an outsider to elite circles and in his governance he showed his contempt of the ruling elite. Seventy-two million Americans joined him in the 2020 election in trying to restrict the reach of those elites into their lives. Granted, many of those 72 million were just Republicans who panted to join the ranks of the elites, but many millions of those voters were expressing their wish to overthrow the elites entirely and return government to the ordinary citizen. Some were, like me, holding their noses and voting Trump because, with all his faults, he was a better choice than the ruling elites of the left and their allies in media and academia.

So, while the riots in Portland and Seattle and Ferguson and Chicago and Charlotte and Washington DC and Milwaukee etc. were costly, they posed little threat to the elites’ grip on power and wealth – in fact, the fear that they generate in the hearts of the no-riot types strengthens their grip as they promise to keep them safe and secure. The elites know racial minorities and anarchists can be suppressed in a heartbeat should their rioting get completely out of hand, so a bone tossed, a law passed, an expression of shared outrage, and all is well in elite land.

The uprisings in Charlottesville and the Capitol and the discontent with the ruling elites they expressed were and yet are a real threat to those precious few who control the nation. Civil wars erupt when a large minority of the nation – any nation – are treated with contempt and disregarded in their concerns. Bill and Hillary Clinton, like so many others, sold their souls to leave their lower and middle-class roots and join the elites. Hillary could say of those from whom Bill sprang, that they were just a “basket of deplorables.” She was expressing the true opinion the powerful hold for the powerless white minority (and all others who identify with them). This large minority who wish only to be lightly governed, and to be respected for the sacrifices in blood and treasure they have made to make America the great nation that she is, find themselves and the values they hold dear held in utter contempt by the elites. Their religion, their family structure, their traditions and values, are mocked. They are nobodies and nothings in the eyes of the elites, and they are reminded of that on a daily basis through the entertainment they are fed, the drumbeat of the news, the continual assault on their way of life in the halls of power, and the destruction of their history in academia. And on January 6th, a tiny sliver of this large minority told the elites they were pissed! That anger has not subsided. If the elites choose to sweep it aside and treat it as the grumblings of some dumb rednecks, these “gods” will take America into troubled waters, and if I am reading them correctly, that is exactly what they are going to do.