The January 6th Uprising

It has finally dawned on me why the Capitol Uprising of last January 6th is an obsession of the ruling elites in media and government, especially on the part of the Democrats and their allies in the business conglomerates.

Riots and uprisings and insurrections have been raging throughout our country since at least the Ferguson riots of 2014 but they have caused little concern from the elites. Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, lootings, occupations, and general destruction have been greeted with a shrug and a pander by these ruling and influencing elites, but somehow, somewhy, somereason, the Charlottesville Uprising of 2017 and the Capitol Uprising are the subject of days and days of Congressional hearings and media babble. Why? Here is my observation.

The race-based and anarchist uprisings are no threat to the power of the elites. Yes, they cause millions of dollars of damage to their communities, but in all truth, the African-descended and identified are a very small, about 12% of the population, and economically powerless minority. They usually destroy their own neighborhoods and businesses, and any damage they do cause outside those precincts can be covered by insurance or the public purse. As long as the powerless are the ones destroying lives and property, no real political threat is felt by the elites. In fact, the bones the elites toss to the minorities can only go to strengthen their grip on the reins of power and position. If the elites pour a few dollars into minority areas and a few dollars more in supporting a minimum standard of subsistence for them, along with awarding a few seats at the political table, they expect the eternal gratitude of those minorities to be demonstrated in their votes to keep the elites in power.

It is an entirely different matter all together when a sizeable section of the European-descended population expresses anger and outrage at the elites. Although an extremely wealthy man himself, Donald Trump had always been an outsider to elite circles and in his governance he showed his contempt of the ruling elite. Seventy-two million Americans joined him in the 2020 election in trying to restrict the reach of those elites into their lives. Granted, many of those 72 million were just Republicans who panted to join the ranks of the elites, but many millions of those voters were expressing their wish to overthrow the elites entirely and return government to the ordinary citizen. Some were, like me, holding their noses and voting Trump because, with all his faults, he was a better choice than the ruling elites of the left and their allies in media and academia.

So, while the riots in Portland and Seattle and Ferguson and Chicago and Charlotte and Washington DC and Milwaukee etc. were costly, they posed little threat to the elites’ grip on power and wealth – in fact, the fear that they generate in the hearts of the no-riot types strengthens their grip as they promise to keep them safe and secure. The elites know racial minorities and anarchists can be suppressed in a heartbeat should their rioting get completely out of hand, so a bone tossed, a law passed, an expression of shared outrage, and all is well in elite land.

The uprisings in Charlottesville and the Capitol and the discontent with the ruling elites they expressed were and yet are a real threat to those precious few who control the nation. Civil wars erupt when a large minority of the nation – any nation – are treated with contempt and disregarded in their concerns. Bill and Hillary Clinton, like so many others, sold their souls to leave their lower and middle-class roots and join the elites. Hillary could say of those from whom Bill sprang, that they were just a “basket of deplorables.” She was expressing the true opinion the powerful hold for the powerless white minority (and all others who identify with them). This large minority who wish only to be lightly governed, and to be respected for the sacrifices in blood and treasure they have made to make America the great nation that she is, find themselves and the values they hold dear held in utter contempt by the elites. Their religion, their family structure, their traditions and values, are mocked. They are nobodies and nothings in the eyes of the elites, and they are reminded of that on a daily basis through the entertainment they are fed, the drumbeat of the news, the continual assault on their way of life in the halls of power, and the destruction of their history in academia. And on January 6th, a tiny sliver of this large minority told the elites they were pissed! That anger has not subsided. If the elites choose to sweep it aside and treat it as the grumblings of some dumb rednecks, these “gods” will take America into troubled waters, and if I am reading them correctly, that is exactly what they are going to do.

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