The Feminist Movement Is a Death Cult

Looking back over the brief period of my life, feminist thought has made incredible strides – not all of which are bad, and most certainly not all good. As 2021 comes to a close, here are a few of my reflections.

  1. Women are of equal value in the sight of the Creator and should be in the sight of man.
  2. Equal value does not mean equal in all things. Men and women were designed and created male and female for separate purposes and thus have different attributes best suited to their designed purpose.
  3. Feminist thought has reduced the value of a woman’s sexuality to mere pleasure for herself and her consort rather than as creator and sustainer of the race. This is celebrated by worthless men who would rather satisfy their sexual desires at little or not cost than make the lifelong commitment to love her as oneself until death do us part. The media are reporting a surge in men getting snipped with the possibility of Roe being overturned. These are men who use their women as whores rather than wives, yet this is celebrated by feminists who are not lesbians.
  4. Marriage as the protector and sustainer of women and their offspring is denigrated as a vestige of the patriarchy. Unmarried women are left to bear and raise children as wards of the state, and married women are encouraged to divorce on a whim or to be cast aside by her husband and also become wards of the state.
  5. Women are only considered of value to society if they are actively engaged in work outside the home. The feminist movement places little value on motherhood and the advancement of civil society through volunteer engagement. In the name of independence, women are bearing children that they do not raise. Their primary role of teaching their children the Ars Vivendi and the Ars Moriendi they abandon to low-paid and poorly educated childcare workers and public schools so they can pursue careers – most of which are poorly paid and with little reward.
  6. The reduction of women to being men with vaginas has created unattainable standards of feminine beauty. These demands are met in at least two different ways. Some women reject any ideal of the female by wearing masculine clothing, having their hair cut to be gender neutral, adopting male vocal patterns, dating/”marrying” other women, and even going to the extreme of removing their breasts and taking male hormones to appear more masculine. Other women go to the opposite extreme. They over-female. Women are at their pinnacle of female beauty as an attractant of a man with whom to marry and raise children between the ages of 16 and 26. Older women can be beautiful, but their beauty takes on deeper hues as they age. When women are only to be considered for their value as sexual objects, the struggle is on to maintain the beauty of their youth. They become Madonnas – an old woman botoxing, plastic surgerying, working out in the gym, displaying as much of her body as the law will allow, and painting herself trying to look still in the bloom but more like a whore in a cheap bordello.
  7. Now for some questions. Does our nation have a stronger, more agile, psychologically prepared military from treating women as men with vaginas and incorporating them into warfighting units? I think not. They break easily, are more subject of infections, and experience trauma differently than men. Are we better and more safely policed when women are in the force? No. IMHO, using weaker-than-men women has changed police tactics and made them more prone to use deadly force rather than the nightstick or the fist to subdue someone resisting arrest. It is the rare woman who can win a fistfight or a wrestling match with a larger and stronger man, thus the police are trained to shoot rather than fight. Are fire departments better at the basic task of extinguishing fires with women in their ranks? No. A woman is not designed to wear equipment that heavy and scale ladders and stairways dragging a hose well into her 40s and 50s.
  8. Feminism denies the most fundamental aspect of what it means to be female and male. Men and women are wired for mutual attraction. I’m not an expert in women, but I can say without fear of contradiction that attractive women are a magnet for a man’s attention and desire. Without adequate social constraints, that attraction can be overwhelming. More marriages are destroyed in the familiarity of the office than in the nightclubs and strip joints. I shake my head in amazement when I see females in the legislature demanding the military reduce its number of sexual assaults and harassment when they are the cause. They thrust young women and young men at their sexual peak into constant contact, tell them that the women are just men with vaginas and the men are just women with penises and to not maintain a healthy social distance, and then act all surprised when they behave like the men and women they are. And don’t get me started about young female teachers having sex with the young men in their charge! I do not approve. These teachers should have their credentials removed. But only a feminist would think it a civil crime – a violation of God’s law, yes, but an assault, no. Those 14–18-year-old young men fantasize almost constantly about bedding a pretty teacher, and instead of criminalizing it, we should recognize the fantasy and train to constrain it. Oh, and don’t hire women without moral values as teachers.

There, you have it: my opinions on the destruction feminism has wreaked on our society. It has weakened the family structure. It has denigrated a woman’s unique and priceless value to the perpetuation of the race and the nation. It has valued women, other than their immediate sexual value, only for their economic contributions to a mercantile system. It has placed unattainable demands on women to maintain the bloom of youth well into their middle and later years when character development and wisdom should be their most valued assets. It has freed men from the responsibility of being men and husbands rather than boys and dates, and has given us generations of Peter Pans who have girlfriends rather than wives. It has made us a weaker and less civil nation.
The feminist movement is a curse and a disgrace. It will be the death of us all.

Profits from Dying

Health sciences are imprecise at best. We creatures of the King are so incredibly complex in our makeup. (You probably read that some institution recently “dscovered” an unknown and unrecognized muscle in our jaw structure.) Medicine is a guessing game and we are the puzzle pieces.

I am not recommending this to anybody, but as a man moving from “old” to “older than dirt”, I’ve found myself easily breathless and tired. I have moderately elevated blood pressure and have been on BP medication for years. I read that some medical “experts” are suggesting that old people like me are better off with our MEBP left untreated, and I’d developed an alergic reaction to the meds. So I quit taking them.

It snowed yesterday and we had about 10″ on our driveway needing shoveling. So I shoveled the snow. No breathlessness and no exhaustion! I feel so much better since quiting the meds. They were making me feel older than necessary!

Did you know that almost 80% (I believe that number to be correct, but you can check me on that.) of US medical cost is spent on fighting off death in the elderly? And the fight is lost every time? I believe in the sacredness of life from conception to natural death, and the American medical industry is devoted to profiting off the natural process of dying. Most of the billions spent on Covid treatment enriches the medical industry but does very little in promoting the quality of life in the natural process of death. At least this is my not-so-humble opinion.

When God Disappoints

In just a few days I will be celebrating 21 years since I retired from the Army. I have, without a doubt, the best retirement date ever! 01-01-01. 01-01-01 was a Monday. I put on my uniform on the last day of the last year of the last millennium and preached what I thought would be my last sermon in an Army chapel. Later that evening the bride and I hosted a retirement party in our home and at 2100 (9 pm for you US civilian types) and 0000 in Washington, DC, we stopped the party and I played the National Anthem on the stereo. I saluted our guests, grinned, and called the man who had been my commander by his first name.

(My time with the Army didn’t end then. Little did I know the US would enter into a protracted war in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9-11, and the Army would recall me to three years active duty to serve as a chaplain in the Warrior Transition Battalion (what the Army used to call Medical Hold) at Fort Lewis some seven and one-half years later.)

On 01-01-01 I thought my Army career was over and done, and I wasn’t happy about it! In the summer of 1999, I was called into the Installation Chaplain’s office and told I had not been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. I can still feel the cold wave that swept over me! I could not believe it! I had jumped through every loop, been a team player taking up the slack for men who weren’t as committed to the mission as was I, and some of them were selected and I was kicked aside. I was mad at the Army and even madder (is that a word?) at God. He had let me down!

At least I thought God had disappointed me. Some of the most important points in our lives can only be seen in retrospect. It’s when we pause and look at where God has led, that we can get a glimpse of why he has done as he has done.

I was passed-over the second time in 2000 and immediately received notification that I could either voluntarily retire at the end of that year or I would find myself retired involuntarily. Either way, I was going to move from the active list to the retired list within 120 days! And again, I was really mad at the Chief of Chaplains – his office never even bothered to contact me about this mandatory retirement. I thought I would be able to finish out twenty years as a major. Nope. Because I had eight years prior enlisted service in the Navy, the Chaplain Corps was going to count that towards my twenty and I was history. Now I was really disappointed with God! He wouldn’t even let me finish out my twenty commissioned years! I must really be on his Naughty list!
That’s how I felt on 01-01-01 when I lost my identity as an Army chaplain.

But, before I go any farther, God does not disappoint his children! Oh, like any child, we might think he isn’t acting in our best interest – and really, doesn’t God act with eternity in mind? So enough of the whining! Let me tell you how wonderful this mandatory retirement has been for me and my family.

Had I been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, I would not have stationed at Fort Lewis with the 555th Engineer Group (Brigade) and my second-born would not have met the woman he married twenty years ago, and they would not have begotten five of the most wonderful children the world has ever known. Not only that, but our third-born would not have added a daughter to my family who is a delight to this old man’s heart and with whom he would not have brought two boys into this world who will grow to manhood and take their place in God’s kingdom. Are you starting to see where this is going? What was bitter disappointment initially has given me blessings I could not have imagined. I have two daughters and seven grandchildren whom I love more than life itself that I would not have had if the Army hadn’t “kicked me to the curb.”

But the family is only the beginning. Retirement brought opportunity for ministry in ways that would not have been possible otherwise. Gwen and I spent four years, two in Korea and two in Germany, serving as directors of military support centers. We provided a home environment for soldiers and their families; conducted worship services and retreats, and even established an international English-language church in Germany during our time there. (As a bonus, our eldest was stationed in Korea when we were there and we got to be at the Army hospital in Seoul for the birth of our first granddaughter!) We formed many friendships during those years that continue to this day, and it’s all because God “disappointed” me with a failed promotion.

As long as I’m talking (writing) of the ministry that came my way after retirement, I can’t omit the many Holland America Line cruises where we served as the onboard Protestant chaplain. I didn’t keep track of the number of worship services I led on those ships, but the highlight was leading midnight worship for the Christian crew members on Sunday nights after they would end their shifts. Never would have happened if God hadn’t disappointed!

Sometime after my return to retired status after those three years at the WTB, we found a church here where we retired and I have been blessed by serving as an elder and teacher. Why, God hasn’t disappointed at all!

Let me tell you of what is for me of even greater spiritual significance – if it is possible to prioritize God’s mercies. Going into retirement at the ripe old age of 54, I didn’t quite know what to do with the rest of my life. (I’ve told you the wonders God performed but I didn’t know they were coming.) But I found myself thirsty for a deeper knowledge of God. I worked 6-7 days a week while in the Army and had little time or interest in deepening my understanding of God and his Word other that which I gained week by week in my preaching ministry in the chapel. But now I was thirsty and had the time to quench my thirst. I “discovered” James Montgomery Boice, R.C. Sproul, and Alistair Begg and their online broadcasts. Did I ever grow deeper into the Lord! Boice’s series on John and Romans caused me to see Christ and his means of saving men with greater clarity than ever I could had I remained on active duty.

So what if the Army didn’t love me as much as I loved the Army? That’s just OK. As the scripture says, sorrow is but for a night; joy comes in the morning. What I thought was for my hurt, God intended for my good. Looking back over these 21 years since that mandatory retirement, nothing but good has come to me because I was not selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. And if I’m brutally honest with myself, I wouldn’t have enjoyed LTC or COL. God made me more prophet than priest. I can do the administration, but God called me to preach not arrange the deck chairs.

How God Shapes Events

Christians should regard Hanukkah as they would the celebration of other great events in Jewish history be it the Exodus, or the deliverance of Judah from the Assyrians in the time of Hezekiah, or the Return from Exile under the Persians. The Maccabean Revolt was one more step in God’s shaping of the world for the coming of the Messiah. The world into which Christ was born had been shaped by the events of centuries and millennia past.

When we look at the world of our day, understand that all things, not just the “religious” things are the workings of our Divine Sovereign to prepare a people for our final deliverance from the a world under Satan’s sway. Whether it is the great world wars and the rise of global tyranny under communism of the 20th Century, or the Covid Panic of the 21st, we are seeing God’s handiwork preparing us for the appearance of the Antichrist, the application of the Mark of the Beast, the global destruction of God’s judgments on a sinful race, and the Return of the King.

If you’re not seeing this clearly, you need new spiritual glasses. If your pastor isn’t preparing you to see with divine insight, and hardening you for the battles ahead, find a new church.

Are You Afraid of Death

Hebrews 2:14–15 (ESV)Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he (Jesus Christ) himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

With the arrival of the new Covid variant, we get the new, but not so new, “flee from the bug, grab your mask and hide in your cave while death stalks the streets and steals your children” directives from our rulers and their medical acolytes.

Sometimes I go overboard mocking the fearful. Fear of death is an absolutely rational response when you do not know the One who conquered death, namely Jesus Christ. If this is the only life you’ve got, then it only makes sense to cling to it as your most precious possession. (Not that you ever really possess it; you are actually possessed by it.) So, if you are not possessed by Jesus Christ, be afraid; be very afraid. Death is stalking you, and if you are not the possession of the Source of Life, the end of this life is the doorway to hell.

But if you are Christ’s possession, you have nothing to fear! With the Apostle Paul you can look death, be it from Covid, or cancer, or simple old age, and say, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain!” When seen in the light of the eternal life that is the end of the gospel, death is at its worse, an inconvenience – a brief passage through pain into eternity.So, whether it is a new Covid strain or a failing heart, fellow Christian, prepare to look death and the grave face-on, and declare it a bee without a stinger, a mere shadow crossing the face of the sun. When Jesus walked out of that tomb, we walked out in him.

And BTW, this is what Christmas is all about.

The Fractured American Coalition

The Black Lives Matter movement and its follow-on coalition of the People of Color have awakened me to the realization I am not just a generic American citizen. I was content and satisfied for at least 65 of my 75 years to think of myself as an American. I pledged allegiance to our flag every morning as a child as class began, felt a surge of pride as I held my hand over my heart as the Star-Spangled Banner was played, donned the nation’s uniform when I was old enough to do so, and passed through life thankful that I had been so blessed to have been born here. America was the Promised Land and I was its citizen. Then came the riots and protests and legislation and advertising and education and entertainment that declared White Americans to be the enemy of all that was good and just in the world.

The White Man, so says the not-white-man – emphasis on the word, “man” – corrupted this pristine planet with his extraction of ores, his mining and exploitation of coal to turn those ores into brass and bronze and iron and steel, his pumping of oil to produce an industrial economy that pollutes the planet with its factories making planes and trains and automobiles and tractors and computers and mobile devices and electricity to power it all. The White Man is responsible for wars and conquests, for territorial expansion and the nation-state. Had he not come upon the scene, truth and justice would prevail. There would never have been slavery and oppression, great poverty and great wealth. Were it not for the White Man evil would not exist in the world at all and humanity would have continued to live in harmony with nature in an unchanging world!

The Black Lives Matter and People of Color coalitions have created a new American identity with new flags, new anthems, new holidays, new founders, and new heroes. And this new American forced me to re-look at my American identity. I could not longer be, “just an American.” That identity is being denied me.

I have been awakened to that which has always been regarding the essence of this nation. Not only are we not a unitary state but are rather a federation of individual states united in common purpose and support, neither are we a unitary people but are rather a federation of tribal/ethnic groups united in common purpose and support. As long as those bonds of common purpose remain, we will remain one nation made of many different peoples.

Not only am I not just an American, I am also not just a White Man. My ancestors migrated to this land beginning around 1619 through the mid-1700s. But they didn’t come as White people. They came from Scotland with their resentments against the English, and from England, (with some contributions from the Nordic peoples during their invasions and occupation of the British Isles), and Germany. Each of these migrating peoples came with their politics, ideals, and religion, and joined in coalitions with the others for mutual support and defense. My Scottish ancestors did not cease to be Scots, nor did my English ancestors cease to be English when they arrived here. The Scots came with their Reformed theology and the English with their Puritan, and they lived in separate enclaves where they could maintain their identity while developing a new, American, one.

The White American is a strawman. There is a coalition, a federation, of various European ethnic groups that looks white on the surface, and which has been content to see itself without its ethnic distinctions at the forefront until now. BLM and PoC have made that identity impossible. The so-called White American is awakening to the reality that he remains Italian, or Spanish, or Portuguese, or Polish, or German, or Norwegian, or Swede, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, English, Iranian, Armenian or any of the other myriad ethnicities that migrated to this continent from Europe and from the Aryan tribes streaming from the steppes of Asia over the centuries, even as he sees how those ancestors formed political and social coalitions to strengthen and expand this nation.

Nation-states are fragile things. They can fracture in an instant, and those fractures may be irreparable. Do not think that just because we have been a nation since 1787, we shall continue to be such in the future. No nation in history has done so. We shouldn’t expect to be the exception. We almost broke apart in 1861-65 in our first Civil War, and if the British had put a few more pounds into the Confederacy, we would have done so. We should not think there could not be a second and more successful fracture.

The modern Democrat Party driven by its neo-Marxist elites, believes it can ride the People of Color coalition to lasting hegemony in which these elites can control their PoC subjects with handouts and quotas. They are wrong – at least I think and pray that they are – the POC coalition has no strong unifying principle to bind it together other than a collective resentment of the wealth and power that has accrued to their so-called White oppressors. The POC may gain a few victories before it is seen that an Indian physician whose parents came from Chennai, or a Chinese engineer who emigrated from Hong Kong has little in common with the group other than they are not originally from Europe. Their interests and worldview are closer to Boise than Beijing and they will find, if they desire to do so, they can become American in every sense of the term. When they awaken to the fact that anyone who embraces the American vision can be American completely, the coalition will come apart at the seams.

So, I have a cautious optimism that we will survive the current fracturing of our peoples back into their ethnic origins as their primary identity. We can all be Americans if we have common goals and purposes. But if not, let’s hope for a civil divorce rather than a bloody civil war.

Broken Families in a Broken World

The sins for which repentance is so hard to find are those that give the greatest pleasure and fullest satisfaction. The bible speaks of the “pleasures of sin for a season.” If sin did not provide some immediate gratification at least, no one would sin.

If possible, it is even more difficult to sorrow over those things the bible calls sin and our society calls virtue. This is bound to make some folk uncomfortable and others down-right mad, but here I go. I’m talking about family. In the bible, there is but one family system: husband, wife, and biological and adopted children. Within this biblical family system, the primary duty of the man is to provide food, clothing, shelter, and security to his family, and the primary duty of the woman is to support her husband in his duties and to incubate, nurture, educate, and prepare the next generation through the miracle of motherhood. Madness! Sheer madness! Do I not know ours is an enlightened society in which people can form any manner of relationships and call them, “families”? And do I not realize how out-of-date I sound by saying a dual income couple supported by the state through its childcare and public education system is not biblical?

Let me address the complementarian family gifted us at Creation. A family that does not strengthen its mutual bonds and instead relies upon the state to provide for it is a weak social structure that is easily fractured by economic or political hardship. Our society promotes a form of self-reliance in which we are not mutually dependent within the family but rather are dependent on the state to provide our basic needs. The biblical ideal is a mutual dependence within the family and self-reliance without.

So let me say categorically that no “family” other than the God-given one is a family in the biblical definition. Pete B. and his partner are not a family. An unmarried woman who has children without “needing” a husband is not a family. A legal union of a man and a woman of separate families who are joined as a step-family because earlier marriages or cohabitations didn’t work out as hoped is not a biblical family. Yes, widows and widowers can unite and form a biblical step-family. While not the foundational union that is the basis of a strong church and nation, they are honored as mutually sustaining and supporting family units. But they must be the exception and not the rule. A biblical family is a man and a woman bound together in a life-long union with their biological and adopted children.

Let me go farther into this snake pit. Jesus said that anyone who divorces for any reason other that absolute marital betrayal and marries another is an adulterer/adulteress. (And less you are looking for an escape clause, stepping out of a marriage and entering into a series of long and short-term sexual relationships is adultery as well, and if there is an economic incentive attached, rent paid, vacations taken, gifts bestowed, it is prostitution.) I don’t know how to fix this one for the nation at large. Our society does not regard the marriage bond as unbreakable. If a woman is unhappy in her marriage, she is encouraged to break her vows and seek after happiness in another relationship. We are surrounded by the shipwrecks of failed and abandoned marriages. And, let’s be honest, those new relationships may be healthier and more fulfilling than the marriages cast aside. A 40-something is often, not always but often, a little wiser when it comes to understanding another’s character than a 20-year-old in the heat of passion. They may find greater happiness in forming step-families. Try repenting of that! Seriously, this is what the gospel calls us to. Jesus said, “Repent and believe the gospel!” And when called to repent of something that gives me great joy – it’s “Come on, man!” It’s going to take more than an academic exploration of the text to bring us to repentance. God himself must plant repentance in our hearts. We have to be brought to an understanding that as much as we might find individual happiness and mutual encouragement in this relationship, God indicates it to be against the interests of future generations within the Church and society at large. Broken marriages place greater demands on the state to meet the needs of women and children and in meeting those demands it becomes more totalitarian in its governance.

As I heard someone say recently, the War on Poverty has not eliminated poverty; it has created a poverty industry employing thousands of workers whose livelihood is found in perpetuating poverty, not finding ways to guide the poor out of their poverty. So, it is as well with the divorce industry. There is no money to be made strengthening marriages and making men, women, and children less dependent upon the state for their daily bread.

The Democrat-controlled Congress is debating and trying to pass Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. When you look at it closely, it is designed to make divorce more available and attractive, and to entice women to abandon their homes and children to the care and instruction of others and find fulfillment in the workplace. Who benefits? Definitely not the children, and not their mothers either. Fathers are made irrelevant. They are no longer essential to the survival of the family and they find meaning in sexual conquest, sports fanaticism, drug abuse, and urban violence. Womanhood is reduced to being an object of sexual pleasure, a womb to incubate a infant, and cheap labor to feed the consumption economy. And Children? They are barriers to their mothers’ psychological fulfillment and sources of wealth to the childcare and education industries. Everyone wins in the Build Back Better program except the American family.

I can’t lay the blame for the disintegration of the family on the Democrats alone. They are only marginally more anti-family than their Republican co-religionists. The family was first attacked by the serpent in Eden, and his assault has been unrelenting since. The devil hates the family because he hates the Creator who mad it in his image. Many of the great heroes of the Old Testament had little regard for a mutually sustaining union of a man and a woman facing the challenges of a sin-broken world together. Abraham was a polygamist. Jacob, aka Israel, was a polygamist. David was a polygamist. And who can forget Solomon the Wise, with his 300 wives and 700 concubines. (A concubine being a mistress or second-class wife who didn’t have to raise her own rent money.) But in our generation, the push to eliminate the biblical family as the basic social unit is accelerating. Bastardy has risen across all ethnic and social groups in America since the 1950s with its greatest damage being done in the Black urban and White lower classes. This weakened social structure makes Build Back Better a “necessity” and further erodes individual autonomy and freedom.

What then are we to do? Have we gone too far from God to return? I think not! None are so far removed from God’s will that they are beyond his reach. God has long arms! Can we repair what we have broken? No. When I was 18, I went down to Doc Webb’s Tattoo Parlor in San Diego and got a tattoo on the bicep of my left arm. Fifty-seven years later that tattoo is still there. It has lost much of its color and the design is faded, but it’s there and it will be there until this body decays in the grave and I am given a new, unmarked body at Christ’s return. But I never got another tattoo. So it is with the family. You may have sinned against God, your spouse, and your children. You may have formed a family that is not a family by bible standards. That’s not fixable. But you can repent. And by the grace of God, you can say from this day forward I shall live in the light of God’s word and his plan for my life. You can tell your children you wronged them and you can do all in your power to recover that which has been lost and not pass your failure to future generations. Set your mind on hewing as close to God’s ideal as it is possible for you to hew. Do not excuse yourself. If you are married – stay married. If you are now single – stay single. No wed; no bed. No one has ever died from lack of sex, but millions have died from it. Take the oath, “As for me and my house, from this day forward we will serve the Lord.”

Democracy Is a Fragile Thing

My battalion, the 43rd Combat Heavy Engineer Battalion, was sent into Somalia with the 10th Mountain Division in January 1993, by George Bush 1 on Operation Restore Hope to provide humanitarian relief to the Somali people after the collapse of their government and civil society. Mogadishu reeked of rotting corpses when we stepped off that 747 and the roadsides were lined with the too-shallow graves of those who had died of starvation and where buried where they lay.

Somalia, as a modern nation, is a new country. When under Italian colonial administration, it was one of the most advanced parts of north Africa, but in the decolonization movement after World War 2, Somalia became an independent nation in 1960. That went fairly well for a few years, but then the communist revolutions that were sweeping Africa swept the “democratic” government out and a communist dictatorship took power. Like all the other socialist states in Africa, the communist dictatorship was only able to hold power through brute force and the nation descended into a bloody civil war in 1991. And that’s where the United Nations and the United States got involved.

By the end of 1992, Somalia was a disaster. When we put boots on the ground there wasn’t a single watt of electricity being generated for public use. Any electricity in Somalia was being produced and used by the various warring factions. I’ll never forget sitting in the cockpit of a New Zealand Air Force plane flying into Mogadishu from Kismayo at night and seeing tiny points of light where various United Nations forces were encamped floating as it were in a sea of total darkness.

As I said, the 43rd was a heavy engineer battalion and we were building encampments for UN forces and repairing the road system for humanitarian convoys to get out to the villages. Our headquarters was in Baidoa and we had companies in Bardera and Kismayo. Beside the highway between Baidoa and Bardera was a large farm equipment dealership – I think it was John Deere – that was sitting abandoned with a new tractor on blocks and stripped out front. My Chaplain Assistant and I would make the drive between these to cities to visit our soldiers. On one of these drives, I saw a farmer working a small plot of land next to the dealership. He was using a wooden plow being drawn by a donkey, and the donkey didn’t even have a decent harness; it was pulling the plow by a rope around its neck. Somalia had gone from a food exporter with a highly developed farming infrastructure to mass starvation in only two years.

You know the rest of the story. After Operation Restore Hope, Mr. Clinton became president and turned from humanitarian relief to nation building. We went from Restore Hope to Continue Hope to Blackhawk Down and retreat. (Afghanistan and Iraq anyone? You think we’d know by now it is not possible to impose western civilization and values on a people far different from our own!)

Why do I tell this story? America is in the midst of a civil war between the Tear It Down, Burn It Up, Cancel It in Order to Build Back Better mob and the Let’s Keep What We Have and Improve It as Needed folk. The BBBs don’t know how this works. You destroy a society and you have no idea what you will get in return. And the BBBs don’t read history. Every revolution results in massive death and destruction. Do they not remember the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution, the Cambodian Revolution, and Somalia? America is not special – at least not special in the sense that it can survive a Progressive takeover without death and destruction, decline and decay. And it is interesting that we have a Somali Progressive out of Minnesota, a Puerto Rican Progressive out of New York, and an Indian Progressive out of Washington leading the charge over the cliff. Those who do not love the civilization built over the centuries in Europe and brought to these shores always want to tear it out and replace it with their utopian vision. Sorry Mr. Biden, you and yours don’t have a vision for America that is better than the one you’re replacing. It is dystopia not utopia. I’ve seen it elsewhere and it doesn’t work.

Oxpeckers and Rhinos

Two Red-billed Oxpeckers were arguing about where they should steer “their” rhinoceros as he walked about on the African Savanna.

In case you’re not familiar with Red-billed Oxpeckers, they are a bird that lives in a symbiotic relationship with rhinos. They ride along cleaning the rhino of ticks and other parasites that attach themselves to its hide, and serve as sentries providing aerial surveillance to give the rhino the alarm when hunters and other predators are nearby. In return none of the oxpeckers’ natural enemies are going to mess with them as long as they are on their living tank and they always have a plentiful supply of tasty treats.

So here were these two oxpeckers arguing about whether they should take their rhino to the watering hole where they could get a drink and hang out with some of their kind, or whether they should take him to the shade of the acacia tree where they could get out of the sun and maybe grab a snack on something other than ticks. Meanwhile the rhino grazed on oblivious to the heated discussion taking place on its back. He had more important things to occupy his time than listening to a couple of birdbrains jabbering over watering holes and acacia trees. He would go to the watering hole when he was thirsty, and he would go to the acacia tree when he was in the mood for a little shade and a nap. But the oxpeckers squawked and screeched and just knew they could drive their tank wherever they willed.

Humans are the oxpeckers riding on the back of this planet. Those who see themselves the gods of this world, the politicians and “scientists”, think they are in command of the earth’s changing climate and just know they can control viral infestations. But in truth, the climate changes regardless the human component. If we are to accept the current view of geologic time, the earth cycles between ice ages and tropical warmth, and it is presently at the tail-end of an ice age – a period within the cycles when life as we know it is optimal. So here we are with a slowly warming planet with no real control over how its climate cycles, and like those oxpeckers, those who preen themselves as the lords of the universe chatter and squawk about carbon (an element essential to our very existence) and weather patterns. They cannot steer the rhino but they pride themselves on being able to do so.

As with the climate, these gods are absolutely powerless in the face of a new virus. They flutter about telling all the other oxpeckers how they can control it. But instead of making life better for their fellow creatures, they worsen the situation. A virus that would cull the herd of its weak and old and then join the roster of annoying infections becomes a means of tearing down the social structures that have served us well for generations and creating a society that better serves these gods. Millions are in economic distress, children have been deprived of educational and social development, people are starving for meaningful connection and are suffering mental illness with its consequent drug abuse and suicide all thanks to the oxpecker gods deluding themselves that they can control the rhino.

Humans are endowed by their Creator the ability to adapt to the world, but not to adapt the world to themselves and when our gods attempt to do so they usually create a mess. They are just oxpeckers chattering loudly as our rhino goes where it will.

Mandates and The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:15–17
And it (the beast with lamblike horns) was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. (ESV)

King County, the county just north of where I live, has a six-month mandate that no one may enter a public space like a restaurant or sports arena without a vaccine certificate, aka vaccine passport, or a recent (3-day) negative Covid test. Imagine that! A six-month mandate! Now almost 1/3 of all Washington residents live in King County and what happens there infects the rest of the state, so while my county hasn’t gone that far into insanity YET, it may not be far off because we now have a Destructocrat-majority county council as well.

Anyway, whether the insanity infects my county or not, I was watching a news segment last night as one of the local newsies was interviewing fans going in to watch the Seahawks as well as patrons of a sports bar across the street from the stadium. They were just singing the praises of vaccine passports and masks. Now, of course, the newsies are lickspittles of the governor and the county executive and this reporter no doubt sought out the most enthusiastic supporters of the mandate – plus those who refuse to submit are staying away from Seattle’s restaurants and arenas and coming into my county to eat and drink, yet the enthusiasm of the interviewees astounded me! They loved being told what to do to keep themselves “safe”!

Now let me hasten to say the Covid mandates, as coercive and anti-science as they are, are not the Mark of the Beast. They do, however, let us know how easily the Mark will be imposed upon those who are not marked as Christ’s own. Imagine for a moment how this world of ours will react when a series of natural disasters occur that put the survival of the race in doubt. And then imagine a “savior” arriving who tells the remaining governments of the world that he has come to save the race IF they will do exactly as he tells them. And what he tells them will cause all who comply to reject the lordship of Jesus Christ. I don’t know exactly what he will say or what he will do, but bowing to his mandates will make perfectly good sense – to all who are not guided by the Scripture and the Holy Spirit.

The Mark of the Beast has both a physical component and a spiritual component. It will be similar in nature if not in fact to the offering of incense on Caesar’s altar; the incense was physical, the offering of it acknowledged Caesar’s divinity. Just as the vaccine passport is the physical evidence of obedience, the willing compliance with the mandates is the spiritual component. If people so willingly comply when the threat is minimal, imagine the rush to receive the Mark when the race is dying in the 100s of millions.

The question before us, however, is not whether we’ll be vaccinated, or wear a mask, or kiss the hand as we bow to the mandates. The question is, what are we doing with Christ right now, today? If Jesus Christ is not the most important one in your life today, odds are he won’t be when the Mark is imposed and you will either embrace it wholeheartedly or take it just to live a while longer. But rejecting Christ is to reject life because he gives eternal life to all who belong to him, so don’t go down that road.