Glimpses of Heaven on YouTube

I’m sure YouTube is replete with all manner of garbage, but my feed consists of news broadcasts, history documentaries, and cooking demonstrations – with a smattering of interesting tidbits thrown in. Last night was no exception. Gwen and I watched two videos that made us long for heaven. 

The first was a video about savants. Savants are people who have an accident of birth or injury that changes the way their brains work. Often they cannot function in life. They lack the skills to survive without constant supervision. But there’s one part of their brains that leave us in awe. Check out this video of ten of them. Top 10 AMAZING SAVANTS With REAL SUPER POWERS 

 It brought to mind the assurance in scripture that we really have no idea what it will be like when we move out of these fleshly tents into the new bodies Christ has prepared for us. The life that awaits us after The Return when the dead in Christ are raised and those yet living in him are transformed is going to be awesome! If this body and this mind were all we would take into the life to come, I think heaven would quickly become hell. But that is not to be! We will have bodies that will not age and decay, and minds to match. 

The second video was about animals and the humans they love. These Animals Reunited With Owners After Years ! 

I’ve often said that God gave us dogs to let us know what the entire creation will be when Christ makes all things new. The lion will lay down with the lamb. When sin and sinners are no more, O what a place the recreated earth will be! Just imagine Eden restored and living in this garden paradise in perfect harmony with creation, with one another, and with God. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel! 


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